Monday, April 16, 2012


Egypt's new democratic elections are seeing a high number of applicants for presidency but a number of them are being turned away. Former Egyptian Vice President Omar Suleiman was escorted by police off the premises today April 7th after filing papers to run for the Higher Presidential Elections Committee.
According to the Seattle PI website ten others have been refused and barred from entering their names as well. This begs the question of whether it is really a democratic election if many candidates are barred from participating. Despite the fact that the candidates would still have to be elected after filing papers to run, the Egyptian Government is making decisions about who can run for what positions.
In America we have the ability to write in votes or vote for any party member we so choose, but it appears that this is not the case in Egypt. "An Egyptian panel has barred 10 presidential hopefuls, including ex-spy chief, key Islamists, from race." According to the Seattle PI.
Considering there is such a huge Muslim and Islamic section of Egypt this news is indeed troubling because it is cutting out a huge section of Egypt's population. This problem is once again silencing voices that have a right to be heard.

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