Sunday, March 11, 2012

21 Jump street

I have been hearing about the movie 21 Jumpstreet for the last few weeks and as it seems to be an integral part of society to consume new media. This movie starring Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum has promised to be a smashing success with hilarious government police official jokes that comment on the state of American freedom.

The pairing of these two actors gives the movie a dramatic realism that lend to the typical stereotypes. By the end of the movie the hunk is with the nerds and the nerd is with the popular kids. This juxtaposition allows for a commentary on modern public school systems and how quuickly they change over time.

This popular movie originated as a popular 1980s TV show starring Johnny Depp. Being an avid fan and owning every season I am really exicted to see who the female counterparts in the 21 Jumpstreet crew are.

Goodbye Johnny Depp and hello Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe it's good, but I'm skipping this one. It doesn't appeal.
