Saturday, March 10, 2012

Schools backing Candidates.

Knowledge is power. Information is power. The secreting or hoarding of knowledge or information may be an act of tyranny camouflaged as humility.- Robin Morgan

If knowledge is power then authority figures in education have the keys to unlimited power. All Hitler needed was to educate the youth of Germany and his Third Reich was born in the minds of his students. Schools are the temples for higher education in a global society. So how are some schools misusing their power as authority figures in the lives of students? Well Mapleton School District in Adams County abused their power as authority figures by bankrolling a candidate. Even though Colorado laws prohibit schools from bankrolling candidates the Mapleton School district chose a bond underwriter in 2010 that allowed them to shower money on candidates of their choice.

What does this mean for students? Well this is simple, if the school advocates for specific candidates then a students own personal beliefs will be subjected to the discretion of the educational authorities. In Mapleton School district this means that they scratch a candidate's back and their own is scratched in turn. Government officials should be concerned with the tax payers not the schools that are assisting their campaign. According to the Denver Post, "State lawmakers had a chance to stop the practice in 2005 through a bill sponsored by Sen. Mark Hillman, R-Burlington, but it failed to get out of committee."

It is a sad remark on the sale of values in Colorado.

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