Sunday, March 11, 2012

Absolute Power Corrupts

Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. This is remarkably true as time has proven over and over again. But what about idealistic companies whose foundation was built on a higher morality? Google has always held itself to a high moral standard but it seems those standard are slipping by the wayside as profits become the central concern.

There is now evidence that Google's transformation may include an illegal ad deal, altered privacy policies that do not favor the consumer, and a long train of privacy violations.

This growing company which now provides the world with email, search engine, and even social media site Google+. (Including this blog site)

According to Danny Sullivan, editor-in-chief of Search Engine Land, a website that covers search engine news and networks. "I hesitate to think they've gotten 'evil,' because they never were that 'good' to begin with, but I do think it marks a much more aggressive company, a company that is not hesitant to do things."

So once again we are brought to the idea that knowledge is power and Google is holding that power. With power comes great responsibility but it seems that corruption is an inevitable conclusion to the attainment of such power.

So most of my posts have been about freedom and power, but the more I look deeply into the state of freedom and power I realize that they are not mutually exclusive concepts and do not function as ideally as they should.

Thomas Jefferson once stated that "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."

So I urge all of my readers to question themselves. Have we been vigilant?

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