Sunday, March 11, 2012

Drunk American kills 16 Arabs

Sixteen dead Sunday after a brutal rampage by a drunken American soldier. More than half of those found dead were children. According to a neighbor Agha Lala, "They were all drunk and shooting all over the place." There are even reports that the soldier was laughing as he slaughtered 16 people in the Panjwayi district at two a.m. Sunday night.

Although the United States makes claims that the district is "the spiritual home of the Taliban and is believed to be a hive of insurgent activity." According to Nadem at

Not only did the U.S. Soldier kill nine children, three women, and four men, but he "poured chemicals over their dead bodies and burned them" according to Hiji Samad relative to 11 of the deceased victims.

While the United States is promising justice to the victims, it is likely to cause a permanent mark against the U.S.-Afghan ties. NATO's International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) General John Allen stated that he was "shocked and saddened" and promised a "rapid investigation" according to Nadem at Reuters.

This horrible and tragic event has caused unbelievable suffering and damage to the international relations that have been strenuous at best.

The likelihood of a revenge attack is higher than ever. With such high levels of stress it seems that Sunday's attack will be the first of many events to come.

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